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What’s New, at Electronics For You (Online)

1. Traffic Jitters

Surely Isaac Newton was not referring to web traffic, but his quote, “What goes up must come down,” is something our online team had to go through in Feb and March 2019 after a year of record breaking traffic. This caused a chart jitter in our otherwise steadily increasing traffic chart (and a bout of nervous jitters for our web team). Being engineers, the team didn’t take this issue lying down and have been working their way to find out the root cause and fix it. It will be implemented in April, and we should be on our way up to the top of that Apple tree again!

2. Propagation

When Electronics For You magazine first started half a century ago, it was a publication that focused on a very niche topic that few others chose to cover. In 2019, electronics has grown to become a major category by itself. That’s why we decided to propagate and spread the concept used in the parent site, to a new breed of websites under the network:


You have got to visit them all. Constructive criticism is always appreciated, either as an email to us or a simple comment here.

3. Better Reports

We’ve heard you, dear clients and advertisers. We have revamped our reporting system and the new ad reports going out to clients are no longer just numbers on a boring spreadsheet. We now include shots of how the ad was placed on the website, performance snaps from Google Ad Manager to show how Google reported the numbers, and Google Analytics visual charts to help clients visualise the audience behaviour on our website the month. Coming soon to a report near you: Any insights and suggestions from the ad run will be provided to our advertisers’ marketing teams so that they can apply those learnings elsewhere.

4. "Spring Cleaning”, but for Ads

Declutter. Period. All websites on the network now feature way fewer advertisements and way more whitespace. This is a win-win for both advertisers as well as readers. And anything that’s a win for advertisers and readers, is a mighty win for us at EFY.

5. Helping Clients Design Engaging Ads

To be frank, many clients in the high tech industry slightly (I’m being conservative with slightly) lag behind when it comes to designing ads that engage. Starting this month, we offer better ad designs to clients whom we believe we can help. Our success story for this in April comes from an ad for one of the world’s leading and oldest Test & Measurement firm, where we were able to “double” their click through rate with a simple change of creative. No click bait or artificial flavouring added. uses cookies to improve this website's functionality, provide you with a better browsing experience, and enable us to develop a stronger relationship with YOU. Detailed information on the use of cookies on this Site, and how you can decline them, is provided in our Cookie Policy. By using this Site or clicking on "OK", you consent to the use of cookies.