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What is Profit with EFY?

‘Profit with EFY’ (PwE) is an arm of Electronics For You Group that provides B2B marketing solutions for tech firms.

We cater only to clients who seek audiences from electronics, IoT or IT sectors.

Our claim to fame are our Response Guaranteed marketing solutions where we charge clients based on results delivered, and not on efforts undertaken.

Our parent organisation is Electronics For You Group, which has a simple mission–to enable its audiences to take informed decisions related to technology. For details, refer to our corporate website:

We believe we’re different from other B2B marketing solution providers for tech firms, for the following reasons:

1. We value your trust above your business.

2. To ensure the above, we removed Revenue Targets across the organisation. No one has a revenue target. No one!

3. We only propose those solutions to YOU, which we would invest in, if we were in your seat.

4. For our ‘Response Guaranteed’ marketing solutions, we charge you based on results delivered, and not based on efforts undertaken.

5. We only provide marketing solutions that target electronics, IoT or IT related audiences. Nothing else.

6. As an organisation, we have survived (and thrived) since 1969!

Overall, as a group, we have been there for 50+ years. But, we still do only TWO things…

And, as you might have figured out, ProfitwithEFY focuses on the second mission i.e. enable brands
and marketers to communicate with technology-related decision-makers and influencers.

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