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Electronics For You’s Truly Innovative Electronics

Promoting the True Innovators & Innovations

Every month, our journalists receive hundreds of press-releases sharing details of ‘new products’ launched across the globe. Most of them feature ‘me-too’ electronics components or boards, and some come with slight improvements. Nothing worth calling ‘new’ or ‘innovative’.

Thankfully, this down-pour also contains a trickle of products, which can be classified as ‘Truly Innovative Electronics’. Ones that can enable design engineers to solve problems–better, faster or cheaper.

When we reviewed all the so-called ‘New Products’ featured over the last 5 years across our websites and publications, we realised:

1. We need to do a better job of identifying innovative products and solutions, and not get confused by the deluge of mundane announcements being thrown at us by well-oiled PR teams
2. We need to highlight these innovations–by making them stand out from the rest
3. We need to provide a platform for teams behind these innovative solutions to present their solutions to an audience that values such innovations (Innovators and Early Adopters)

Hence, we (the team at Electronics For You) are going to come up with a monthly list of Innovative Electronics Components & Boards titled Electronics For You’s Truly Innovative Electronics, and publicise them extensively (refer to Bonus Promotions section) so that Design Engineers get to know about them, and in turn develop Truly Innovative Tech Solutions.

We will also provide a platform for the teams behind these innovative products to demonstrate their solutions to their target audiences through design-led conferences on Tech World Congress—world’s leading ‘Online only’ expo-cum-conference platform for tech events.

1. Recognition of the product as Truly Innovative Electronics: announced by email along with logo of the Truly Innovative Electronics recognition
2. Listing on Truly Innovative Electronics section on
3. Listing on Truly Innovative Electronics section published in Electronics For You magazine (print & e-zine)
4. Listing on Truly Innovative Electronics section published in electronics for you EXPRESS (e-zine only)
5. Display of products on the Truly Innovative Electronics eBooth of Electronics For You in a forthcoming Design Unconference at Tech World Congress
6. Opportunity to present the product to an audience of Design Engineers through a forthcoming Design Unconference at Tech World Congress
7. Listing in monthly carousal post on LinkedIN where Electronics For You shares monthly collection of Truly Innovative Electronics

Hence, if you believe you have a truly innovative solution—do fill up this form and email us at [email protected], and we will get back to you within 7 working days.

Since, we announced this initiative–we’ve received encouraging response accompanied by a lot of questions. We’ve attempted to reply to all common questions through this FAQ.

But, if it does not–feel free to email us at [email protected].

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