Open Source For You can now be read via the Android app as well.
With the aim of widening its footprints, Linux For You, India’s first publication on Linux and open source software, has been renamed as Open Source For You. Taking the initiative forward, the domain name of the digital version of the magazine www.linuxforu.com has been changed to www.opensourceforu.com .
Packed with some powerful interactive features, the digital edition of the magazine is aimed to enhance your reading experience. Like the print edition, the website will continue to provide updated content and information for the IT managers and developers alike. The insightful articles on the site are based on the current trends and best practices of the fast-paced technology world. The website remains a must-read for IT Managers (sys-admin, IT admin, etc) and Software Developers, and anyone else who’s passionate about Open Source. The website also features special sections like case studies and strategy-centric stories, which attract CIOs and CTOs.
Speaking about the initiative, Rahul Chopra, editor, Open Source For You, said, “We have changed the name of our magazine to reflect the widening horizons of the open source world beyond Linux. Now, our website has joined this movement. The new domain will mean more content on open source stalwarts like Android, Open Office, Joomla. Plus, there will be a lot more useful content for IT Managers.”
In addition, Open Source For You can now be read via the Android app as well. For readers of the modern mobile generation, who like to be connected and informed about the world of open source technology, even while on-the-go, the Open Source For You app is a perfect choice. The app is available for download on Google Play Store.
About OSFY
Open Source For You (OSFY, formerly known as Linux For You) is a complete magazine on open source published by the EFY group. Launched in January 2003, it is India’s first magazine on Linux and Open Source. Today, with a readership of 1,50,000, the magazine serves as an authentic resource for information about new technologies in the Open Source world. The magazine carries tech articles for IT Managers (sys admins, IT admin, etc), software developers and open source enthusiasts.
About EFY Group
Over the last four decades, the EFY Group has become synonymous with information on cutting-edge technology. Starting with its flagship publication, Electronics For You, which is South Asia’s most popular electronics magazine, the group now offers a bouquet of specialized publications like Open Source For You, Facts For You and Electronics Bazaar. The online communities of the Group provide tech content to readers from all across the globe. The Group’s online portfolio includes some global leaders, such as: www.electronicsforu.com , www.linuxforu.com , www.electronicsb2b.com and www.eleb2b.com [http://www.eleb2b.com]. Plus, the Group manages three social media (Facebook) communities, which are global leaders in their respective domains. These include: www.facebook.com/designelectronics , www.facebook.com/opensourceforu .
Media Contact : Diksha P Gupta, [email protected], 9717854520, Sr. Assistant Editor, EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd
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