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Home » Open Source India 2021 Breaks Past Records

Open Source India 2021 Breaks Past Records

Open Source India--Great Success

Asia’s leading Open Source conference–Open Source India (OSI) was held on 7th & 8th October, 2021.

Due to the possibility of the 3rd wave of Corona, we had decided to avoid any event that could be a super-spreader. Hence, like 2020, we organised it as a virtual event too.

But, the 2021 event turned out to be a mega event. It surpassed 2020 figures by huge margins.

We received 8,000+ registrations.

We had 90+ speakers with more than 20 from outside India!

We had more sponsors and exhibitors.

And, 65% of the registrants attended during the event days taking LIVE attendees to a whopping 5,000+ figure!

We have compiled the complete post-show report and are releasing it here.

Tip: You can scroll and view the report below, or download it too.

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