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Why T&M Brands Advertise In Electronics For You

T&M Marketing

Why Do Leading Brands Of Test & Measurement Advertise In Electronics For You?

    • To build awareness about their brand and the range of products offered
    • To increase sales in India
    • To strengthen their brand value, thus influencing customers to pay a premium for their products
    • To attract leading players to become their channel partners, ISVs or system integrators.

Tell Me More About Electronics For You

    • An English monthly publication that’s available in print and digital editions
    • The first issue was published in January 1969
    • Positioned as a magazine that helps decision makers and influencers take informed ‘technical decisions’ related to electronics
    • World’s leading electronics publication in terms of (1) number of editorial and (2) number of advertisement pages
    • Circulated through news-stands and through paid-subscriptions (57:43 ratio)
    • Print edition is available across India. Paid subscribers span 6000-plus pin codes
    • Print-order varies between 60,000 to 80,000 copies–resulting in an average readership of 500,000 readers
    • Digital editions available as e-zine (Web) and as apps for Android, iOS, Kindle, Nooks, etc
    • E-zine and tablet editions read by 5000-plus readers across the globe
    • Distributed at all leading electronics events of India (20-plus events)
    • Facebook page (design electronics) engages over 782,545 electronics design enthusiasts–perhaps world’s largest social media community for electronics design.

Who Reads Electronics For You?

who reads EFY

What’s the T&M Connect?

    • We publish a monthly series on Test & Measurement Equipment that updates our readers about what’s new in the particular product category in last 1 year We publish 4 to 5 Buying Guides on T&M products—every year
    • We publish interviews of tech experts who discuss latest tech trends or best practices related to Test & Measurement Equipment
    • We publish many high-quality Tech Articles and Application Notes that help engineers in improving their use of T&M equipment
    • All segments of T&M users and T&M-related decision makers are readers of EFY, be it: design engineers, test & maintenance engineers, R&D personnel, hobbyists/DIYers, academicians, CXOs, et al

What Can You Achieve By Advertising In Electronics For You?

    • Establish a direct connect with technical personnel who are either decision makers or influencers for T&M equipment your presence/brand in the Indian market
    • Generate orders for samples, evaluation kits or development boards from design engineers
    • Increase the brand value, wherein customers would be ready to pay a premium for your products
    • Establish or expand your network of channel partners and ISVs

What’s The Proof That Advertising In Electronics For You Works?


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