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Is Print Media Dying in India Too?

Is Print Media Dying

We realise that print media is facing a lot of head-winds across the globe, and many reputed brands have shut shop or turned fully digital.

To be able to reply to this question with credence, and more importantly–prepare ourselves for the future, we decided to review various reports from industry experts on print media’s health in India. We also wanted to understand–if this an across-the-board trend or are their genres (within print) which are bucking this trend?

The Good News

Thankfully, what emerged was “good news” for us—and we wanted to share the same with YOU.

Click here to download a small presentation that we have put together regarding this topic, to help YOU make an informed decision.

PS: If you are interested in finding more about Media Consumption trends, you may also want to check out extracts of ELCINA-IMRB Report on Media Consumption Patters Within India’s Electronics Industry. uses cookies to improve this website's functionality, provide you with a better browsing experience, and enable us to develop a stronger relationship with YOU. Detailed information on the use of cookies on this Site, and how you can decline them, is provided in our Cookie Policy. By using this Site or clicking on "OK", you consent to the use of cookies.