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Social Media Promotions on EFY's Electronics Design Engineering Community

Social Media Promotions on EFY’s Electronics Design Engineering Community


Our team posts your promotional content on our social media communities (Facebook or LinkedIN)–subject to the message being in line with the interests of our community…

Q. Are performance reports provided?

A. Yes, the reports shared by the platforms are shared with you in the form of screenshots. We provide ONE report, at no charge–seven days after we have published your post on our community. For any additional reports, we charge a flat fee of US$ 50 per report.

Q. Can customised reports be provided?

A. We can provide customised reports but at a fee, which will be based on specifications desired by you. At the minimum, anything different from the screenshot will incur a charge of US$ 50.

Q. Is the Trust Builder option available for reports for this service?

A. Yes, of course. One real-time access per activity–after we have shared our report.

Q. Are ‘Response Guaranteed’ solutions available in this category?

A. Yes, we they are. If you opt for Response Guaranteed (RG), then we fix a price per engagement (ex: like, share, comment, etc) and then create customised messages to generate the require response. While we will ensure that our creatives are in sync with your communication strategy and brand guidelines, and get them approved by you–but for RG solutions–we will NOT be bound to use your creatives. If you want us to execute your creatives/strategy–then you must opt for Standard Offerings.

Q. What are the most popular social media communities or networks that are deployed for promotions?

A. Here’s list of a few. Based on your requirements, details of specific communities can be provided…

Community Platform Members
EFY's Design Engineers' Community Facebook 1 Million+
EFY's IOT Community Facebook 100,000+
EFY's Test & Measurement Community Facebook 20,000+
EFY's Electronics Production Community Facebook 20,000+
EFY Group's Page + Showcase LinkedIN 3,000+
EFY's Industry Connections of Journalists LinkedIN 30,000+
EFY's Electronics Industry Group LinkedIN 2,000+
Open Source Community Facebook 700,000+ uses cookies to improve this website's functionality, provide you with a better browsing experience, and enable us to develop a stronger relationship with YOU. Detailed information on the use of cookies on this Site, and how you can decline them, is provided in our Cookie Policy. By using this Site or clicking on "OK", you consent to the use of cookies.