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Showcase your Products to EFY’s readers in a format they like

Showcase Electronics Products & Solutions: EFY

Want to showcase your solution or products to the electronics fraternity?

Don’t want to get confused with the complications of designing an ad?

Want to focus your promotion on your product alone?

Want to use a format that readers are most comfortable with, for reading about products and solutions?

Want to use a format which works better when you share more details than “keep the copy tight”?

Want to generate B2B inquiries for your solution?

Well it does seem like an impossible wish-list. But, it’s been made possible with the launch of…

Electronics For You’s Product Showcase

Whenever we poll our readers, New Products or Exciting Products or Innovations seem to list amongst the Top 3 elements they want to read.

Plus, our New Products section also ranks amongst the Top 3 mostly-read sections.

So, there’s no doubt that our readers like to read about solutions and products.

At the same time, we receive hundreds of inquiries of firms wanting to showcase their products or solutions. But, their product is not New–so can’t go in the New Products section. Or even if it’s new, they don’t want to take the risk of letting the Tech Review team accept or reject their submission. They want guaranteed coverage.

The newly launched Product Showcase solves this issue.

It’s an editorial-styled section which enables you to publish your product with details.

You can opt to choose a full-page, a half-page or a quarter-page coverage for your product–based on your budget and marketing goals.

This will also include a B2B Connect box item for readers to contact you for any B2B discussions.

Here, you get to choose your title, your text and your photos–as long as they fit in the size of the showcase you have chosen. Our font size and style is fixed. Hence, bigger the size of the show-case more photos and text can your display.

The BEST part of Product Showcase is… that it’s priced very attractively. And, there’s a special Intro Offer for the first 100!

And, it gets featured in Electronics For You print and e-zine edition. Plus, it gets featured in electronics for you EXPRESS too!

AND… it will be published and promoted on LinkedIN too.

Interested? Contact us at [email protected] OR any of our “Customer Success” team members servicing you.


Q. EFY publishes new products for FREE. So, why should I invest in this section?
A. A great question. Few of the reasons we could gather from our clients:

  1. I want to be in control of the product, the text and the photo(s) of my product showcase
  2. I want to showcase a product that’s not been launched recently
  3. I want to showcase a product other than the one EFY will publish in New Products
  4. I want to ensure that THIS product is showcased in this month
  5. I want to showcase products that align with the editorial theme of the month
  6. I want to showcase multiple products while EFY publishes only ONE
  7. I want to ensure that all my contact details and info gets published

Q. How is this section different from the New Products section of Electronics For You?
A. Good question again. EFY’s New Products section is controlled by the editorial team and they feature only those products which have been launched in the last 60 days. To maintain any doubt of bias, they don’t feature more than one product of any brand/supplier. Plus, given the limited amount of space, while a 100-plus products pass through their filters the most exciting 25 to 30 products get selected and published.

In other words, EFY’s New Products does not offer any certainty to a marketer about which product will be published and when. EFY’s Product Showcase provides this certainty and control over the content.

Q. What are the different sizes available?
A. Besides the first pages, three sizes are possible: Full Page, Half Page (horizontal) and Quarter Page. Full page allows up to 2 photos to be published. Half page can handle one, easily. In quarter page, inclusion of a photo means–very limited text.

Q. Who will provide the inputs for these? Who will finalise the same?
A. You will need to provide the inputs for the same. Our design team will then flow them and provide you with options to cut or add text or image, to fit in the designated space. The final design will be that of our design team.

IMP: You do NOT have control over the design elements here. In other words, you cannot publish a creative similar to an ad here.

Q. What are the key elements that one needs to provide–for a good showcase?
A. The Key Elements that we will need you to provide us, include:

  1. The USP (uniqueness or highlights) of the product/solution
  2. The pricing (list or estimated)
  3. A short profile of the company (if space permits)
  4. One or two photos of the product
  5. Contact details for B2B inquiries including: Phone # and Email ID, and if possible–Web URL or QR code for B2B inquiries

Q. Can I repeat the same product across multiple issues?
A. Yes you can–though it’s not advised.

Q. What are the costs of the advertisements?
A. Since the rates may vary over time, you may contact our team at [email protected] to inquire current rates.

Q. Is there a discount if I book multiple ads?
A. Yes, there are discounts for multiple ads. To get more details, contact us at [email protected].

Q. Where will this section be placed within the magazine?
A. While we might experiment by placing it in different parts of the magazine to figure out the best placement, but the default placement will be near the rear end of the magazine.

Q. Will these ads be promoted via other mediums through besides the magazine?
A. Yes, these products will be showcased in the print and e-zine edition of the magazine. Plus, the entire section will be promoted via our Social Media and our website ( too.

Q. Any deadline for booking these and ads and providing their material?
A. Yes. These promotions must be booked by 18th of every month, and material shared by 20th. For example, if you want your products showcase is to appear in the July issue, you must book your slot by 18th June, and your material must reach us by 20th.




5 thoughts on “Showcase your Products to EFY’s readers in a format they like”

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