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EFY-i Event Management Services

EFY-i Event Management Services

Complete Event Management

(On-the-ground OR Online)

EFY-i can become your partner who will do everything needed to organise your roadshow or event–be it online or on-the-ground…

Q. What all can EFY-i take care of, when it comes to managing an event?

A. Everything.

Here’s what we have taken care of, for our clients:

  1. Strategy planning to ensure success
  2. Audience registration
  3. Inviting & managing speakers
  4. Online registration management
  5. Website development for event
  6. Promotions for event
  7. Paid or free registration management of audience
  8. Event management
  9. Post-show report preparation & publication
  10. Logistics (venue, audio/video, lanyards, kits, manpower, gifts, mementos, etc)
  11. Post-show communication to stake-holders

Simply put–you can visit your event as a VIP guest and focus on networking with your customers, prospects and partners. EFY-i will manage the nitty-gritties of the event for you.

Q. Can EFY-i be engaged for some of these services?

A. Yes, of course. You need not hire us for all of them. The ones that we are hired most for–are promotions and registration of audiences.

Q. Can we manage online events (webinars) too?

A. Yes, of course. And, there again–we can take care of everything.

In a webinar, the element of logistics is considerably reduced–thus reducing your overall investments. But, that’s accompanied by a weaker interaction with the audience, as compared to an on-the-ground event.

Q. Can EFY-i manage an event outside India too?

A. Frankly, we have never done that–but we would be interested to discuss the opportunity. However, if we are not sure we can deliver–we would like to retain the option of opting out at the start itself, rather than cut a sorry figure later.

Q. What is the experience EFY-i has when it comes to managing on-the-ground events?

A. Good question. EFY-i has been organising its own events since 2003, when we launched two events: (i) EFY Awards and (ii) LinuxAsia in New Delhi. Gradually, our own portfolio of events diversified–and now our team has managed events ranging from workshops, conferences, seminars, expositions, award ceremonies, networking dinners, et al.

Q. How experienced is EFY-i in organising webinars?

A. We have been organising webinars since 2016, and till April 2018, had organised 50-plus webinars.

We have organised webinars for very large target audiences–where 300-plus logged in simultaneously, and over 1000 had registered for the same, while we have also organised very niche webinars where an audience of 30 attended the session. uses cookies to improve this website's functionality, provide you with a better browsing experience, and enable us to develop a stronger relationship with YOU. Detailed information on the use of cookies on this Site, and how you can decline them, is provided in our Cookie Policy. By using this Site or clicking on "OK", you consent to the use of cookies.