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Why Electronics For You Express?

EFY Express: Dawn of Supr Growth

The COVID19 induced lock-down “Moved Our Cheese” and forced us to think afresh.

COVID19 disrupted our entire supply-chain, and we could neither print nor distribute the ‘print’ magazines. We got to discover the power of e-zines for the first time.


Thankfully, we did not stop creating content. Neither did we stop creating the magazines.

When we could not print and dispatch, we turned them into e-zines and started distributing them free via our websites, social media communities, our e-events and newsletters. We did not restrict them to our paid subscribers and advertisers. Anyone and everyone whom we knew would be happy to lay their hands on a copy of Electronics For You–we sent them an e-zine.

We were surprised (and a bit embarrassed) by the response we received.

Many of you appreciated our gesture. Many of you thanked us. Many, who had stopped reading, asked us to let them know when we restart printing–so they could subscribe again.

Wow! Why had we not done something like this before? And, how’re we going to handle this when we can start printing and sending copies to our subscribers and news-stands? Those were the questions that got unlocked too.


To understand our challenge, let me remind you that we’re among a handful of tech publishers in the world who still charge their readers to read their publication. We do not send free copies, like many other trade publications do. (Frankly, we’re not even sure–if Electronics For You can be classified as a traditional “trade publication”.)

We were also charging for the e-zine edition of the magazine–though the cost is roughly half of the print edition.

Hence, it’s critical for us to ensure that our paid subscribers never felt cheated.

For issues disrupted during the lock-down, we made a simple decision. We extended the subscription period of all our subscribers for the months we could not send them their copies. They got the free e-zine editions just like those who had not subscribed.


But, now that we have resumed printing and dispatch of print edition–shall we forget the power of e-zines?

That will be a mistake. We have to leverage the power of e-zine to connect with thousands of readers spread across the globe.

That’s where Electronics For You Express comes in.

As the name suggests, it’s going to be a curated version of the main magazine. Some of the best stories and projects will be published here. Some not.

EFY Express will continue to be distributed across our websites, social media communities and news-letters.

For those who seek complete content–will have the option to upgrade to the paid e-zine edition of Electronics For You.

And, if you seek the comfort and elegance of reading a print edition, you will have the option to upgrade to print edition of Electronics For You.

Our advertisers will now have the option for investing in Electronics For You, Electronics For You Express or both.

And, once again, we will be distributing it across all our communities and channels.

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