13th December, 2012: EFY Group’s website (www.efyindia.com) got revamped today.
“The new website reflects the current areas of focus and business units within the EFY Group. Plus, its design reflects the tastes and aesthetics of the new generation”, shared Mr Ramesh Chopra, founder & publisher, Electronics For You.
The website now displays EFY Group’s 5 areas of focus: (1) print publications, (2) digital publications, (3) online communities, (4) events and (5) training.
The website aims to be the first-contact-point for all customers of the EFY Group–be it readers or advertisers. Information about all products and services of the Group are listed here, along with links to their respective websites, where more details can be had.
The website uses cutting edge Open Source technology for managing it’s content–Word Press. Plus, it’s running on a Linux server. Many more Open Source technologies will be integrated into this website shortly, and quite a few features will get added too.
For any queries, or doubts please contact us at [email protected] OR call us at +91-26810601 or 02 or 03.
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